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Showing posts from May, 2021

Search Google like a pro!!!

 You know how to Google  but do you do it like a pro. Here are a few simple yet very helpful Search operators to help you search Google...... like a pro!!    "Quotation Marks "         "I love you mom".  Using quotation mark in your search   let you search exactly for this word.It mean all yout result will have you search in them.             _ Dashes                    Dolphin_football  if u want to exclude a term from  your search include a hyphen before that  word.         - tilde                        Music-classes. Use tilde when you want also it synonms to appear in the result .The above query will search for music classes ,lassen ,coaching etc.           Site:    

Common hand signals and how to teach them

Your dog doesn't  need to be fluent in sign language  to learn how to respond to common  hand signal .Most dog can learn basic in a matter of minutes. TEACH YOUR DOG TO STAY.  While your dog sitting or lying down, show him the flat of your plam with your finger tips pointed up move back one step, return immediately praise your dog and give a reward.            2.   Repeat, but move two steps back this time . Slowly increase your distance away from your dog and the length on time he must stay slowly increase the distraction in his environment to such ,as background noise and people TEACH YOUR DOG TO LIE DOWN. Put your dog in sitting position.hold a treat in front of his face. move your hand down to the ground and back towards you a few inches.The path your hands follows should be an L-shape. 2. As your dog follow your hand with eye.He will lie down.When he does,reward him with a treat and lot of praise.

The Body most improtant analgesic point.

.Rejuvenates the internal organ. relieves nausea and upset stomach. Reduce bloating. Reduces high fever soothes sore  throats.    Help with digesting relieves pain in the lower back Help treat digestive  disorderd .   Help with coop with poor concentration and fatigue. ThANK YOU,🥰🥰💯💯

What is a blog?!!how does it benefit us?

 Hello friends, I hope you will be fine I came today with some new important information that you need to know We've all been hearing about Covid-19 for a long time. In this regard, no human being can go out and do any work. So I have some information about it, so let's start.                                  WHAT IS BLOG ?                                                   I'm talking about the blog . many people know about it few people don't know. blog is a platform we can make money from but we need  to work hard . Now  no any work can be done without hardwork .We can make the blog for free and we can earn money by hard working . This is a part of google.                              ...

How to be the LEADER💞

 Don't ever beg  for someone attention. If they can't pulled in effort, show them what regret fell like.                                                                                 ..Being the leader is not about being mean be kind be human                                                     Focus on your self .Go on your dream, focus on people who want the best for you                            .Privacy is power. Don't tell everyone everything. Win in silence.                               ...


HEALTH 🍓🍏/ SPIRITUALITY 👋.                    .Eat a whole some snack( fruit , granola bar , a   smoothie, veggies and dip)🍌                              .Go for a walk 🏃.                                            .Google bible verses to  read 📕.                    .Pray / meditate.🙊🙊                                            .Drink someone detox water💧💧                          .Take vitamin💊                                ...


Rest/relaxation😊.                                             .Take a nap😴.                                                  .Listen to music take a bath with candles💆. .Watch movie🎥                                                    .Read a good book📚                                            .Spend some time away from mobile📲  Creativity📝                                              ...

Glow Challange.

Face👩wash your face every morning or night. 1Use mask or toner. 2Moisturizer.3Drik water and green tea.                                                    HOW TO GET RID OF ACNE SCARS.                   1Dark spot.2 Exfoliate-lightly to get rid of dead skin and sebum buildup. 3 Use to toner-an apple vinegar.4 Alovera juice and  green tea mixture is a great toner to fade dark mark.                               DON'T POP YOUR PIMPLES.                                1Hair .2 Trim end when needed.3 Deep. condition and moisturize.4 Take 5000 MCG biotin.5 Low maintenance.                      ...

The bodily and physiological changes during the emotion of anger and rage.

The over secretion of the adrenaline hormone and the sympathetic nervous system produce the following physiological changes.          .CHANGES.                                                               .The brain is stirred up.                                       .Heartbeat is accelerated.                                    .Blood circulation become fast.                           .The arteries are dilated.                                   .Blood reaches ...

The bodily anf physiological changes during the emotion of fear.

 The nor-adrenaline hormone works under the control of parasympathetic nervous system and the following physiological changes are seen .If we suddenly see something scary, our condition changes. Find out who the internal organs of our body are working at the moment.            CHANGES.                                                      .Pulse rate slow down.                                          .Heart rate slows down and its starts sinking  .Digestion is affected.                                            .The feeling of hunger is diminished.                ...

Important information about Hunza Valley

 So you must know about this beautiful place which is associated with Pakistan. Because of its beauty, it has special significance all over the world .People from all over the world come to see this place This is a very beautiful place .So today I'm going to tell you some of the special things that very few people know, so let's start.    .HUNZA VALLEY :   .SOME IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT THE HUNZA PEOPLE.                                                              Hunza is the only place where there is no     Cancer . There is an important reason for this.  his diet and his simple life .This is a very old nation. One of the main reasons is that They bathe in cold water even in severe cold .In the summer they eat fresh fruit and vegetables in winter they eat dry fruit .These people make millet bread ...

Animal beauty💟

  This is a very innocent animal that every person of the world liked . People take great care of him. they drink milk and eat meat. Many people love them and many people oppress them. They are ignorant peopleWe must treat everything in the world with love, be it human or animal. This one my favorite. I really love ITT,.💜💜💜💜💜 DO YOU LIKE IT TOO✌✌💗💗


  This is a very interesting puck. What do you think when you see it? For the first time you don't understand what it is But to understand it, you have to do it once. It's a very simple experience. You must try it and let me know if it works I will be very happy to know 💝💝💝💝💝💝plzz try itt

daibetes 1st type sign and symptoms.

  Hello friends, I am here again with a new info. I hope you like my first post. You also like the new post. so let's strat 1.WEIGHT LOSS. You may become very weak during this illness But there is no need to worry eat on time never skip meal under stress.this can be dangerous to your health. Keep track of your daily activities. 2.frequent urination the constant urge to urinate even if you have recently.this can be very comfortable. This clears your kidneys, but in this case, use water. 3.IRRITABILITY S ome cause of type 1 diabetes may cause confusion and anxiety that make your testy.But don't let yourself be in that situation at all. No human can make you better.If you can make it better, believe it . 4.blurry vision. In my opinion, this is a dangerous case because eyes are very important for you this is a sign that your diabetes isn't under control when blood sugar level are high for a long time water is pulled in...

Daibetes 2st type sign and symptons

 Today I m going to give u some new information. this is a very important part of  life. hope u find this post very informative.      let me tell u about an illness today .whose name is Diabetes. which we  call Sugur in our language.many people ask  this question how will know that we have this disease?so today I will tell u its sign very easily.let's start this.💜                                                                         1.WAIGHT LOSS. When you feel you are suddenly losing weight, get information about it first. so you know about it . 2.EXCESSIVE THRIST In this way you became very thirsty and your tongue and throat will dry up. 3.INCREASING HUNGER . If you eat too much and you still feel hungry at the wrong time, then it is dan...

Moon solar eclipse

  A  solar eclipse  occurs when the  moon  gets between Earth and the  sun , and the  moon  casts a shadow over Earth. A  solar eclipse  can only take place at the phase of new  moon , when the  moon  passes directly between the  sun  and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth's surface. It looks beautiful but it is not good for some people As soon as this happens, the whole city goes dark More  fantastic veiw,💕💕

All aspects of human life

  If man looks at himself, he is a lot . No human being is bad, things change over time Man's failure is when he leaves his distance to other Don't give up even in difficult times if no one is going to stand by you So support yourself And try to do what is impossible for the world Success will kiss your steps. thank u💜

real beauty

 no makeup❤

A different veiw of human eye

  The human eye is a beautiful gift to nature. If we look at it from the perspective of the world, So that's what it looks like But if we think that it looks like something inside, then something like this. Made by a scientist like this.

A beautiful view of the human body

  This is our inner side. Our body is covered with a soft skin. This is a miracle of nature

beautiful bridal