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Glow Challange.

Face๐Ÿ‘ฉwash your face every morning or night. 1Use mask or toner. 2Moisturizer.3Drik water and green tea.                                                    HOW TO GET RID OF ACNE SCARS.                   1Dark spot.2 Exfoliate-lightly to get rid of dead skin and sebum buildup. 3 Use to toner-an apple vinegar.4 Alovera juice and  green tea mixture is a great toner to fade dark mark.                               DON'T POP YOUR PIMPLES.                                1Hair .2 Trim end when needed.3 Deep. condition and moisturize.4 Take 5000 MCG biotin.5 Low maintenance.                                        .Body๐Ÿ’.                                                                  1Exercise 3-5 time a week.2 Start  a diet.3 Don't overwork your body.4 Focus on stomach and booty.5 Make your goal to be healthy not skinny (there's nothing wrong with being skinny  tho๐Ÿ˜˜)


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The Body most improtant analgesic point.

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