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daibetes 1st type sign and symptoms.

 Hello friends, I am here again with a new info. I hope you like my first post. You also like the new post. so let's strat 1.WEIGHT LOSS.

You may become very weak during this illness But there is no need to worry eat on time never skip meal under stress.this can be dangerous to your health.Keep track of your daily activities. 2.frequent urination

the constant urge to urinate even if you have recently.this can be very comfortable.
This clears your kidneys, but in this case, use water. 3.IRRITABILITY

Some cause of type 1 diabetes may cause confusion and anxiety that make your testy.But don't let yourself be in that situation at all. No human can make you better.If you can make it better, believe it . 4.blurry vision.
In my opinion, this is a dangerous case because eyes are very important for you
this is a sign that your diabetes isn't under control when blood sugar level are high for a long time water is pulled into the lens' causing it to swell. 5.FRUITY BRETH.
If your mouth smells bad, people will start running away at you. if you breath smell similarly to acetone it may be sign to high level of ketones in your blood . PROTECT YOURSELF,💜💜💜💜 Thank u💞. May you like.  beautiful view of the human body.


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