Today I m going to give u some new information. this is a very important part of life. hope u find this post very informative. let me tell u about an illness today .whose name is Diabetes. which we call Sugur in our language.many people ask this question how will know that we have this disease?so today I will tell u its sign very easily.let's start this.💜 1.WAIGHT LOSS.
When you feel you are suddenly losing weight, get information about it first. so you know about it . 2.EXCESSIVE THRISTIn this way you became very thirsty and your tongue and throat will dry up. 3.INCREASING HUNGER .
If you eat too much and you still feel hungry at the wrong time, then it is dangerous to think that it is bad for your health. 5.DRY MOUTH.
this is the last sign of the second type. It is very important that if something happens in your tongue, you will not be able to speak properly and you will not be able to eat clearly. In this situation you face many difficulties. Tongue is a great blessing of God . If you like my post, please let me know in the comments And of course you want some information from me .I will do my best to reach him. thank u
use ful information thank u bro